Monday 3rd April 2023 – A Fascination With Clearwings with Jason Kernohan

The next indoor meeting of the Hartlebury Common Local Group is on Monday 3rd April 2023 when Jason Kernohan will be give a brand new talk on clearwing moths called A Fascination With Clearwings.

This talk ties in nicely with Hartlebury Common as Jason’s interest in these scarce and seldom seen day flying moths began at the Hartlebury Common Bioblitz event in 2019 when a mating pair of Yellow legged Clearwings were discovered on site.  This turned out only to be the tip of the iceberg what was present there with more species discovered in subsequent years.

The meeting is being held at Stourport Sports’ Club, Kingsway, Stourport, DY13 8BQ. The talk starts at 7:45 pm and admission is £3.00 (cash only). All are welcome.